Response to COVID-19

School Announcements

Closure Announcement

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Family Update (4.20.20)

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Services Update

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Distance Learning Update

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Initial School Closure Announcement

Last Updated: Thursday, April 9 at 7:57 PM

Dear City Garden Families,

I hope you are as well as possible during this challenging time. City Garden staff members continue to keep you all at the forefront of our thoughts and actions each day, and during our regular staff check-ins we wish you well and share anecdotes about our wonderful students. Please know that you and your children continue to bring all of us much joy and inspiration from afar.

You may have heard on the news this afternoon that Governor Parson has made the decision that all schools in Missouri will be closed through the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. This means that we will continue with distance learning through May 22nd. A determination has not yet been made regarding summer school—we will let you know as soon as possible when we know whether summer school will happen and if so what it will look like.

We know that even though this is best for our collective health and safety, being away from school is hard for students, families and staff. We are committed to supporting all of you throughout this time. Distance learning is under way for all of our classrooms, and we are proud of the way students are challenging themselves to adjust to this new and different way of learning and connecting with their guides and peers. Our guides are also champions for navigating new technology and learning platforms, and creating altogether new systems of education! Thank you for your continued patience and collaboration as we work through all of this.

A few resources to share:

We have created a Response to COVID-19 page on our website, so that you can see the most up-to-date information during this time.

Ms. Kristina, our Family Support Coordinator, has been gathering community resources and social-emotional learning support for children and families, which you can find on this page of our website: Community Resources and Social-Emotional Learning.

Ms. Danielle Combs, our PE and After School Coordinator has assembled some physical activity and creative resources, which you can find at this link on our website: Physical Activity and Creative Resources.

These pages will continue to be updated, and we will continue to identify additional resources that may be helpful.

We are working to connect regularly with each family and are committed to supporting you however we can. If your family is in need of assistance with food, housing, utilities, technology support, or other things, please reach out to us. We will do all that we can to either support you directly or to connect you with community resources.

Lastly, our staff members are sharing moments of joy throughout this time on our public Facebook page—you can find us there at this link: City Garden Montessori Facebook page.

Please take good care of yourselves, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you need anything.

In partnership,


Christie Huck
CEO/Executive Director

Please click below for previous updates and other resources from City Garden regarding COVID-19.

School Closure Announcement– as of March 19, 2020
Services & Resources Announcement – as March of 19, 2020
SLU Public Health Professor talks COVID-19 with Junior High Students – as of March 25, 2020
Physical & Creative Activities from Ms. Danielle Combs – as of April 2, 2020
Community Resources and Social-Emotional Learning
1. Family and Community Resources
2. Supporting Children and Discussing COVID-19
Distance Learning Program
Joy Parade – as of April 14, 2020
Family Assistance Fund – as of April 21, 2020
Mobile Food Markets
Family Update – April 20, 2020